Bag Ladies Tea and Celebration

Saturday, Jan 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST

2432 Preston Road, #340A, Plano, TX, 75093, United States

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Sale ended

On-Line Registration Partial Approval - $10.00

Please register now to attend the January Plano ASG Bag Ladies Tea

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Saturday, Jan 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM CST

Bonnie Ruth's, 2432 Preston Road, Plano, TX, 75093, United States.

                         Let's celebrate at the Bag Ladies' Tea !   

On January 22, join your fellow sewists for fun and in gratitude to those special members who pulled us through times made difficult by the pandemic.   So come along and bring a hand-made bag to show.  There will be prizes and surprises.
This is an exclusive ASG member event.  It is a thanks to you personally for keeping our chapter alive and well through 2020-21,  A large chunk of the $27 + 20% tip cost of the tea is being underwritten by our chapter.  Your cost will be just $10. 
 What a deal!   Sign up Now!

Cancellation policy

  Cancelations will be accepted. and fully refunded up unitl Jan15, 2021.   After Jan 15, NO REFUND will  be available..

American Sewing Guild

The American Sewing Guild is a membership organization that welcomes sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels and from many different walks of life. Chapters are located in cities all across the country and members meet monthly to learn new sewing skills, network with others who share an interest in sewing and participate in community service sewing projects. Membership in the Guild gives you an opportunity to experience your love of any type of home sewing with others who share your interest.

Contact the Organizer